Tea and Toast


TPF Noob!
Jun 6, 2006
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Irvine KY
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... so.. as most of my friends like to point out, I'm not british BUT I do like my hot tea and toast :D

2. I'm still trying to steady my hand when selecting things so it's a little out of wack in some spots.
Well, I'm afraid the floating teabag ruins the first for me just that one little bit. The reflected red in the spoon is good, and the overall idea and compo, lighting and all that is, too. But that teabag ... hmph...

What did you do to the second after you had taken the pic?
Toast looks good. haha
I agree with LaFota
that tea bag annoys me too
but other then that
i love number one
number two seems to be too out of focus for me
I agree on Corinna on the first one, the teabag is a bit annoying, but other than that, the idea and the reflections is great, great, great. :)
LaFoto said:
Well, I'm afraid the floating teabag ruins the first for me just that one little bit. The reflected red in the spoon is good, and the overall idea and compo, lighting and all that is, too. But that teabag ... hmph...

What did you do to the second after you had taken the pic?

Next time I try this.. I'll do it without the tea bag lol.. I just figured that to let everyone know it was tea was to have it in there.. I don't know.. I was half asleep :D anyways. In the second one, the DOF (is that was it's called.. not sure) well there wasn't any at all so I played around with it in paintshop .. :blushing:

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