test angel


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2006
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in the middle of north carolina
Can others edit my Photos
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shot with cobbled together camera.. Polaroid 250 frame.... graflex roll film back 6x7.... ansco lens from 1930s i believe
I can't say that I like it to be honest. Maybe if you used a really cool, odd angle it would be different. Personally, it isn't just what is in the photo but the way the photo is taken... Just me....
I wasn't commenting to be evil, it is just what i think. People always go on about how they respect honesty but I am not sure that works. Feel free to coment on mine...
Personally I like honesty.... HOnest dissent doesnt even have to be constructive. You were not evil at all. I hope I never shoot anything so bland that it appeals to everyone. To me that would be the worst possible picture not the one that appeals only to me.
it is a little centred...... but i love the tones..... looks like that set up could get some real nice shots..... good going mysteryscribe :thumbup:
if it is possible to get above it (hang off a tree??) then you may get lucky with the cross' shadow spirting out the back of the statue. or you could maybe get an intricate profile view with her wings visible but out of focus?
heehee. i have never hung up my shirt. i dont even have a shirt. i am only 18 afterall. ever heard of the poem 'pick more daises'? that inspired me to not do rubbish and pointless things like hang up a shirt... you will never be remembered for having a smooth shirt. i may be remembered for having a scrumpled one, though.
Centering, from the old school, heh......exactly.
I like what you did, the lighting, B&W and the subject are cohesive and there is a story in all that.

Is a rumpled shirt in style now?

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