The Beach


TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, ONT
Can others edit my Photos
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Greetings from Toronto.
So I went to Henry's yesterday and picked up a gorilla pod. I couldn't wait for my shipping and my tripod. I have my 10-20mm and 50mm lenses with me, so I'm making the most of them, but I don't have any filters :(
I was complaining about how dirty my sensor was about a year ago and I still havn't got it cleaned. Took me forever to clean all the dirt spots, I'll get it cleaned as soon as I have the spare cash.
I'm gonna go back later this week for some sunrise shots.

Click for larger version.
10-20mm @ 18mm, iso100 f/22 @ 1/30th.
PP: Square crop, healing brush for dust spots, sharpened, resized.

Thanks Matt
That horizon is gorgeous. I love the fading blues!
The square crop really works in your photo's favour, I feel.

I also like the tiny wave on the right hand side, it adds a little bit of motion to the bare beach.
yes, nicely composed matt, well done.

So how are you finding your new life in Toronto?... have you started to adjust yet?
yes, nicely composed matt, well done.

So how are you finding your new life in Toronto?... have you started to adjust yet?

We are settling down slowly. Just been a bit of a problem with or shipping. They initially said 3 weeks and now saying it could take up to 2 months. So currently we only have what we brought over in our suitcases.
Apart from that, all is good. Really enjoying the city and met lots of cool people :)

Going to go for a walk now to take some photos, the dust spots don't show up if I keep it below f5.6 :p
The water line in the sand parallels the shore line, too. Subtle and tranquil.

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