The Coffee House

The bed rails are done! Two of the rivnuts weren/'t on all the way and popped out, but I had some spares. This isn't the Jeep (MOPAR) brand, but I like it better - the tie-downs are aluminum whereas the MOPAR are plastic. Four tie-downs came with it but I plan on picking up another pair later.

Can you tell it's my truck?

MLSIL is having a rough day. Yesterday, she and her travel buddy too the train to Newark, NJ and were scheduled to fly to Detroit from there. Their ultimate distination was Mackinaw Island. Well, there were delays and canellations from the start, including a tree across the RR tracks in Virginia. They finally decided to just cancel and take the trail home. We're going to go up and get them dinner, trying to make it a little better for them.
Dunno about plastic-vs-metal. Seems totally application-dependent. My VW Golf Mk 7 has a plastic oil pan--which sends shivers up some spines. Short of hitting a tank mine, its location protects it from debris and rocks. Here in Snow&Salt Land, I've had a couple steel pans rust through from scrapes.
We're enjoying much cooler temps, and actual SUN! :icon_sunny: The last few days have been great.

But the summer of rain has taken its toll: I now have 3 dead Ilex bushes, and lost numerous coneflowers and black-eyed susans from backyard flooding. We have a pool pump over the flow well, but it's just overwhelmed this year. It's not designed for this. So, this year is just shot for the garden, and I'll wait and see what comes up next spring and take it from there. No help for those bushes.

Aside from that - happy weekend, hosers! Life is good.

Sorry to hear about the garden - but I love your positive outlook!

Hit again here today. Very humid most of the day but then the dew point dropped about half an hour ago so it’s been tolerable which is good because I’m hosting a party tomorrow and the grass needs cutting, pool needs a good vacuuming and all of the furniture needs to be cleaned off.
The delrin (or whatever ir is) is probably fine. The main thing will be furnitue over a long distane. It's also nice knowing I can get more of them, if needed. Mopar doen't sell the individual tie downs.

Cross bars are on. The kayak riser is another eight inches and goes on the forward bar to get the kayaks above the roof.

Time to jump in the shower and get ready top head up to MLSIL's; Cheesecake Factory is what she wants! :D
We're enjoying much cooler temps, and actual SUN! :icon_sunny: The last few days have been great.

But the summer of rain has taken its toll: I now have 3 dead Ilex bushes, and lost numerous coneflowers and black-eyed susans from backyard flooding. We have a pool pump over the flow well, but it's just overwhelmed this year. It's not designed for this. So, this year is just shot for the garden, and I'll wait and see what comes up next spring and take it from there. No help for those bushes.

Aside from that - happy weekend, hosers! Life is good.
Sorry about your flooded garden. We've had either too much rain or hot/muggy days. Yesterday and today are perfect low humidity.
We are getting a new roof soon from hail damage. Hopefully have a few dry days.
Cool and high winds after yesterday's heavy rain. Big sustained gusts are tough on the elderly maples lining my street. One just shed a huge branch that cut power across the street. Another outage a few weeks ago hit us when a branch popped nearby wires.
Happily, we recently negotiated removal of 120+ yr old sugar maple at the family ruin. Nearly dead but huge limbs could fall and whack part of the house and garage. Suspect the flickers and downy woodpeckers hated eviction from their highrise condos...
Hi all just a late night pop in
Not staying as I have to drive in the morning and I have to get my hours in on the sleep machine Luther wise I am not allowed to drives

So night all
Is this the right sized swab to clean my d5600 sensor?

Do you wipe "once" from left to right or like a couple of times anyone?
Seems my 2 black specks in the view finder are between the focus screen and prism, will this hinder any focusing operations anybody?

Any help would be appreciated on these 2 issues...
For the sensor cleaning, I bought a kit from Photgraphic Solutions. They are sized for the sensor. I got mine from B&H but you should be able to find a distributer closer to you. I don't recall the cost.

If it's between the focus screen and the prism, it shouldn't affect photos ot autofocus. Lock the mirror up and use something like a rocket blower (NEVER canned commpressed air) to blow out the dust in side. You might need a soft brush used gently on the focus screen.

Edit: B&H carries that kit you postsd so I guess it's legit. Here's one that comes with a brush and rocket blaster. Again, B&H but you should be able to find a closer distributer.
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Feeling my age. Putting new carpet in the guest bedroom, so, decided it was a good time to repaint prior. I need a break.
Feeling my age. Putting new carpet in the guest bedroom, so, decided it was a good time to repaint prior. I need a break.
The hubby has announced he is not painting ceilings anymore.

Since we've moved into the bungalow, he's painted the entranceway ceiling, plus the little hallway ceiling (both in cracked and otherwise terrible shape), and the downstairs bathroom which included the ceiling (in Behr polar bear white, @snowbear !). His neck and shoulders were complaining too much!

The ceilings here have been largely ignored over time (built in 1950) and all need help. We'll have to hire out for the rest. We can still handle the walls, but will take our time!
The hubby has announced he is not painting ceilings anymore.

Since we've moved into the bungalow, he's painted the entranceway ceiling, plus the little hallway ceiling (both in cracked and otherwise terrible shape), and the downstairs bathroom which included the ceiling (in Behr polar bear white, @snowbear !). His neck and shoulders were complaining too much!

The ceilings here have been largely ignored over time (built in 1950) and all need help. We'll have to hire out for the rest. We can still handle the walls, but will take our time!
The bedroom ceiling and walls aren't bad, the closet was a pain because of the cramped quarters.

Bedroom ceing done, and walls cut in around the ceiling, trim and baseboards. Won't take long to roll the walls. We're just touching up a few small places on the woodwork. It was sprayed with a high gloss enamel when they built the house, and is in surprisingly good condition yet. A good cleaning and it'll be good as new.
The bedroom ceiling and walls aren't bad, the closet was a pain because of the cramped quarters.

Bedroom ceing done, and walls cut in around the ceiling, trim and baseboards. Won't take long to roll the walls. We're just touching up a few small places on the woodwork. It was sprayed with a high gloss enamel when they built the house, and is in surprisingly good condition yet. A good cleaning and it'll be good as new.
Whew! It never ends, does it? ;) But it's great to sit back and enjoy the results. Paint is still the cheapest upgrade out there.

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