The Coffee House

A Pulitzer Award winning AP photog was fired for cloning out a Tv crew in the corner of his Iraq War image. Interestingly enough, had he cropped the image instead of clone, he probably wouldn't have been fired.

I sorta remember, I think a St. Louis Dispatch photog, who cloned out some background legs behind some people lined up for a pre or post game award ceremony. Previously, he was a nominated numerous times for a Pulitzer Prize and was canned and banned for life because he cleaned up his image by cloning out some background legs. The editor had to blow up the image 800% in order to see/find the manipulation.

You should get the X-Pro 1 body. It is built like a Nikon F, (ala a tank). It has both a optical and electronic viewfinder.
hey guys. just reading..posted a article I found from 97 just now.

interesting, how do they keep the digital manipulation photos out of the news?
There is a hard line that all reporters and photographers are painfully aware. That line is called accuracy. If you intentionally cross that line, for whatever reason ... you are gone, fired ... and the news organization will run the story of your transgression which will be picked up by other news organizations and you are instantly blackballed from working news again.

News is self-regulating. Typically, when someone crosses the line, when someone is fired for crossing the line of accuracy ... It is never pretty.

News, contrary to popular opinion, usually by those who don't know the differenced between talk radio, blogging and news, bend over backwards to assure accuracy. Accuracy is the most important aspect for any legit news organization. Whenever a reporter/photog maliciously compromises the accuracy reputation of a news organization ... that person is gone, the news organization will self-report the problem and the corrective measures taken.
thank you for the explanation. I was wondering that. Did you read the article? It is in the photographic discussion section. Thanks again for the inside view.
Nope, I'll look for it.
Found it and I left some additional remarks. Interestingly enough, I was living in Paris when Princess Diane died. A friend and I were driving to breakfast talking about Diana. We were in a tunnel and we drove by a bunch of flowers ... I told Jerome "... Hey, that's where Princess Diana was killed ...". He swerved to get a better look behind us and almost lost control of the car. When we popped out of the tunnel we had to drive through a thong of people and press.
Monday morning.

limr. on my tilted wall. lol :bouncingsmileys:

yeah. it is Monday. the days seem to all run together for me though..

coffee and reading this morning..
Photography in the Age of Falsification - The Atlantic
if you decide to read it you might want to back up to page one. i am on page 8 currently in the link. wildlife photography, ansel adams etc.. basically is what it is about.
Oh no, I'm sliding off the wall! ;)

For the record, I was asking you the question about the tilt because I think it's the kind of question you need to ask yourself when you are taking the shot. There should be reasons for why you shoot an image a certain way, and the more aware you are of those reasons, the more direction you'll find for future images. That's my theory anyway. :D
Oh no, I'm sliding off the wall! ;)

For the record, I was asking you the question about the tilt because I think it's the kind of question you need to ask yourself when you are taking the shot. There should be reasons for why you shoot an image a certain way, and the more aware you are of those reasons, the more direction you'll find for future images. That's my theory anyway. :D
true. what I also did with that shot is took a in camera adjusted straight jpeg and took the raw file into capture as we were discussing yesterday for some basic adjustments to compare the two. The one posted is the basic adjusted raw file exported from capture. so it was about comparing in camera jpeg bw, getting a little more acquainted with capture, and I really was messing with the focus trying to decide how to shoot that one since I had two things going on opposite sides of the frame. I chose the subject because I really wanted to get a better idea of tonal range in capture just on a quick adjustment compared to my sooc jpeg.
And I think that kind of deliberation is exactly what you need to do. Just being aware of your choices and what they mean for the final image is a big step.
And I think that kind of deliberation is exactly what you need to do. Just being aware of your choices and what they mean for the final image is a big step.
something else I haven't quite wrapped my head around as well. Know it is there but really never cemented it. I did that yesterday. set my in camera adjustments for high contrast bw. shot a house at about 250 m. shot one of my kids at about 20 m. compared the two. same in camera settings for high contrast bw. The photo of my kid came out clearly high contrast. The house not so much. it is the way it processes me thinks. Before I would constantly try to change my in camera settings to account for this (when not shooting high contrast there is only so much you can go high contrast in camera). so I was accounting for it but never actually sat down and thought about it. Must have something to do with the wider the shot and distance the less ability the camera has to follow the profile you set.
Why is Monday obnoxious even in a three-day week? I think I don't like what I need to do before the week is over - nothing really offensive, just irritating. Oh well, coffee and cookies always help.
Why is Monday obnoxious even in a three-day week? I think I don't like what I need to do before the week is over - nothing really offensive, just irritating. Oh well, coffee and cookies always help.
vodka might help too. just sayn.
Why is Monday obnoxious even in a three-day week? I think I don't like what I need to do before the week is over - nothing really offensive, just irritating. Oh well, coffee and cookies always help.
vodka might help too. just sayn.

What would that be, a Russian coffee?

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