The downfall of technology


TPF Noob!
Apr 7, 2007
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Campbellton, NB, Canada
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Since I had my first computer like 12 or so years ago, pretty much everything changed and got better... we have video cards that nearly take a whole power supply to themselves, multiple core CPUs, massive amounts of RAM and terabyte hdd's and the quiet keyboard. What a blessing!

Among all that I sometimes wonder why the heck quiet mouses aren't on the market yet. Even my g7 has that annoying click click sound... My dad's home this weekend and all I hear is that damned machine gun clicking. Enough to make an already bad headache worst... :thumbdown:

Well enough of my rant, computer mice are cool, but damn are they annoying. If I had a spare mouse I would try and silence it but I'm not brave enough...
well, the click is on purpose. it tells you when you "clicked" ;) most people would be very unhappy without the sound. as i would be unhappy with a silent keyboard ;)
well, the click is on purpose. it tells you when you "clicked" ;) most people would be very unhappy without the sound. as i would be unhappy with a silent keyboard ;)
sure, but the clicking sensation doesnt have to be heard. i can very well tell when click if say, I have headphones on my ears.
i agree some are a bit noisy ... but some sound is not bad ... for me at least ;)
I don't think he's complaining about the click. It's the fact that the click can be heard through a closed door that's the problem.
I have a G5, basically the same mouse as him...and it's a solid friggin click It could be quieter.

Keyboards are good quiet too...but even quiet ones can be heard through a closed door...and that's awful to wake up to.
I don't think he's complaining about the click. It's the fact that the click can be heard through a closed door that's the problem.
I have a G5, basically the same mouse as him...and it's a solid friggin click It could be quieter.

Keyboards are good quiet too...but even quiet ones can be heard through a closed door...and that's awful to wake up to.
Yea, you have the corded version of my mouse :P Well, my father's mouse is about 3 times noisier than my g7, so... yeah, awful to wake up to indeed.

There's waterproof rubber keyboards out there for like $20... same kind you see in die hard 4 when they hack into systems, the keyboard the mac guy unrolls and gets hacking with. Those are quiet.

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