
Jedi Bunnywabbit
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Sep 2, 2005
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Check this out...


My book is "finished".

I still have a beta edit/read to get through, but that's the last step before I start working on selling it to publishers/editors/agents.

120,781 words. lol


Just felt like sharing.

Woot! I'm excited for you! If you need readers, let me know!
Cool manahiem. What genre is this book of yours? Details! details!

Thanks! :)

Cool. I wish you success.

Thanks Derrel!

Do you need a photographer for the cover?

Hahah.... Something tells me this cover wouldnt be a photograph, but thank you! :)

EF u need a tknikal Edit8r, lemme no!

Hahaha... I appreciate the offer!

Woot! I'm excited for you! If you need readers, let me know!

Thanks squirrels! I may!


Thank you!

Congrats and good luck

Thanks you!
Acutally, are you sure Robin isn't onto something? You could totally create a book cover challenge. You do a quick sketch of what your want your cover to be and then see what TPF can do with it! I almost said "TPFers" but that just sounded wrong. :lol:
Acutally, are you sure Robin isn't onto something? You could totally create a book cover challenge. You do a quick sketch of what your want your cover to be and then see what TPF can do with it! I almost said "TPFers" but that just sounded wrong. :lol:

"tp effers" lol!

Actually that IS a neat idea...... I wonder if folks would be into it.
A HUGE congrats! I envy the feeling you must have had when you typed the words "the end". Regardless of what happens from here on out this is an amazing accomplishment very good job!
A HUGE congrats! I envy the feeling you must have had when you typed the words "the end". Regardless of what happens from here on out this is an amazing accomplishment very good job!

Heheh thanks, I actually got a little teary when I typed that. I'm not sure if it was the ending or just typing THE END though. But yeah... I'm very excited to have made it this far.

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