The Girl In My Life


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2013
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TPF.. Meet Sophie :D C&C Welcome (first dog portrait hehe)

Nice shot and sharp. Looks like a big dog.
She's decent sized.. lab and pit mix. She's goofy and sweet natured though.
Btw, I didn't choose the pink camo collar.. Sophie did. lol
She is not quite as lovely as Trever1t's Annie, but she beats my ex-wife! ;)
She is so cute! Imo, the cropping is a bit too tight. Maybe little more rooms under the tip of her tongue and top of her ears.;)

I was wondering if someone would comment on the crop. Wasn't real sure about it myself after I'd finished.

Something to keep in mind. Thanks. :)
She is so cute! Imo, the cropping is a bit too tight. Maybe little more rooms under the tip of her tongue and top of her ears.;)

I was wondering if someone would comment on the crop. Wasn't real sure about it myself after I'd finished.

Something to keep in mind. Thanks. :)

It is a little tight (her tongue is touching edge)... but as long as it is a crop and not shot that way... it is do-able! Main thing is to leave enough edge for a frame if it was a print.
Well the tongue I couldn't do anything about.. I realized after shooting that I'd raised a bit high.

I did crop from the top and sides.. but next time I'll watch better and leave room.

Appreciate the feedback guys. :)

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