The Golden Mile

for some reason #3 just made me smile, the guy in the background looks like he's having a great time, haha.
all are fantastic, only complaint is the last one is a little too centred for my liking, but this is minor. three thumbs up.
love number 3, feels very authentic, nice job!
Isn't Photo 3 fun? He's sooo cool about you taking his photo, and his friend in the background is having such fun! :D One to make me smile!
Why do you call your thread "the golden mile"? I don't get that part. Can you help.

I really like the portrait of the boy! (1) His eyes are so serious, so dark, so deep.
And I want that Elmo! ;) (not really)
Anyone in the part of the world I'm sitting in this very minute would recognise the Golden Mile as being a reference to the seafront at Blackpool which is festooned in amusement arcades, stalls selling a range of products of dubious quality, food places and of course the pleasure beach where there are all the rides.

Well Riyadh has exactly the same sort of area sitting between the edge of town and the airport, about 3 or 4 miles from where I live. Except that it's a rather tired and dusty collection of very old and knackered facilities that the Saudis seem to flock too - more so in the evenings and at weekends, particularly when the weather is cooler. It's known rather sarcastically by the expats as, well, you guessed it...

The shots here were taken of the people minding the stalls at around 17:30, before things get going. It's almost unheard of for a westerners to be seen wandering round here, so I don't doubt I was a bit of a novelty, especially as I was wearing 'the hat'. I tested some of the food - I didn't buy though, it wasn't great.
Grwat shots!!

I like #3 as well. Looks like the guy in the background is chuckling at the laid back guy.
1 was nice... 2 made me laugh... something about elmo. 3 the guy in the background made me laugh but I felt like there wasn't enough contrast in the shot... seemed almost a bit washed out.

All pretty nice in their own ways, though.

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