The guy at the end of the bar...


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Tell me what your pet is doing but start it with “The guy at the end of the bar...”

I’ll start...

The guy at the end of the bar is chewing on his own tail.
The girls at the end of bar are sound asleep in my chair.
The guy at the end of the bar slowly raised his head to look at me, and said "what pet?"
The guy at the end of the bar, jumped up suddenly awake, charging to see who was at the door.
the guy at the end of the bar is talking very loudly .... wants to go chase the
The guy at the end of the bar is licking his wee wee
The guy at the end of the bar will eat cat **** if given the chance.
The old guy at the end of the bar is hiding from the frisky young girl at the end of the bar.
The guy at the end of the bar is sleeping with my wife!
The group at the end of the bar are all asleep.
The girl at the end of the bar is looking at me, wondering why I'm stealing her poop with a tiny slotted shovel.

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