The Hub


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 23, 2012
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Reading, Pa
Can others edit my Photos
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35mm Prime
ISO: 125
Aperture: f16
Shutter: 1/20
Mode: AP

View attachment 38387

This one of the shots I missed went back. Was it worth the gas?
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Technically- you could have used a wider aperture as the background is a little distracting. My laptop monitor doesn't have the best image quality, but the shot doesn't have the contrast it wants to. Very sharp.

If you were to go back- Try shooting when the sunlight is more dramatic. I'm not sure if I like the reflections but with more contrast they be necessary to make the photo. Were you using a polarizing filter?

My thoughts- I really like the composition! Spokes going to the top left and bottom right corners, no spokes in the bottom left and top right. Crescent shadow is very cool. This could make a really fun abstraction; I would shoot it so all of the top spoke openings are black, light the ground that's in view between the bottom spokes and use a lamp at around 2 o'clock to get a really pronounced cescent shadow.

I love things that have wheels.
"I love things that have wheels."

Apparently you're the only one.:lol:

Thanks for the comment. I actually did fill in all the areas between the spokes and hated it. I'm really not much into abstracts. I was looking for a wagon hub. I wish I could take credit for the spoke positions, but I'll have to give that to the guy that parked it there. I have to say it does look intentional. Thanks again. I was kind'a fond of this one (correction: I AM kind'a fond of this one) I particularly like it viewed on black.
Lens and camera look quite happy together at these settings. I'm an old guy so for subjects like this I like lots of focus. This would look great printed out on that metallic stock. Think it would show off the rich tones to best advantage
Thanks. I've seen other references to printing on metal, but I know nothing about it. After your post, I went looking for some side-by-side comparisions but no luck so far. I'll have to keep digging. Thanks again for the comments
Definatly an improvement. now for a color side by this,
Thanks. This one was definitely aimed at B&W. The color of the hub is a washed out, sun faded, red.
I hit it with a blue filter to darken the red which I thought brought it out nicely

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