The man who fell to earth.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 8, 2009
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Somewhere in Florida
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I don't usually shoot this type of subject. In fact I can only think of 2 other photos over the past 5 years.
He was on a bench at Arlington Station on the inbound side. I was outbound, shooting across two sets of subway tracks.
I liked the framing - the dark verticals on either side are support pillars. The symmetry of the wall tiles was interesting to me,
as was the effect of the 3 vertical tile columns which, in conbination with his body position, enhanced the effect of his falling on to the bench from above.

Comments and critique appreciated.
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great picture, the shades are beautifull
Thanks for your comments and likes.
I like the framing, too - though he doesn't look particularly comfortable. ;) But this is well-spotted and you reacted quickly enough to get a nice image. And a nod to David Bowie, too. :razz:

Good job!
like, very much
For my birthday last year, my wife and daughter gave me a book full of photos from famous photographers. You know the kind of thing: it's set out in different genres and there's some background info for each photo along with a short biography of the photographer.

This photo wouldn't be out of place in such a book.
Oh man, all aboard the feels express... A good photo makes you smile, a great photo makes you feel. Just think about how hard of a life that has to be. If, in fact, that's where he sleeps, that's gotta be rough. Your falling analogy really makes the uncomfortable feeling come to life too. Excellent work, and fantastic composition. Incredible shot.
Excellent photo, my compliments. That's some fine street photography.
If I could bag it up and take it home, I wouldn't!

Nice photograph! Love it! :) What was the original like pre edit btw?
I do really like this one. I'm not into homeless photography, so to speak but I do find great interest in it when it's well done. And this is VERY well done. Mind just starts racing when thinking about what his life must be like. Really makes you appreciate the little things we take for granted.

But just to be a pain in the butt, I do notice that the wall around his body almost has like a very minute halo. The grooves on the wall just seem lighter to me. Or that just could be how it is. Probably wouldn't have even noticed if it didn't make me want to stare at it so long. So Very very minor on a scale of things as this is a great story that you captured perfectly. Just thought I'd mention it.
Homeless porn.

I would agree - at least I understand your opinion. My comments in my OP were meant to convey my general dislike/discomfort with this subject matter.
That being said, I felt it was a decent photo and posted it for that reason.

Similarly, I would not consider this type of subject "street photography" either, though many others do.
But then, I am not a street photographer.

Thanks all for the comments.

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