The Park at Night

Roy Hubbard

TPF Noob!
May 31, 2009
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Here are some new photos I captured at a local park the night before last. It's very peaceful and quiet, and there's no one around. Just my kind of setting!



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I find the lights annoying in #1 and 3 but for some reason they work fine in #2. Probably because they are further away and less powerful than in the other images. Also love the tones in that second one.
The lights are too much of a distraction in the first and third images. If there was only one light and it was illuminating a tree, that would be more interesting. the second image has a nicer feel, I like the glow thats around that tree.
Was it foggy or misty when you took these pictures? At first I thought it was flare, but thats seems to be wayy too much lol.
Number 2 has the strongest composition. You can examine the image with more of a flow where I feel like I bounce around at random in the other two. Not sure about the blue effect though or whatever it is.
Thank you for your comments.

Was it foggy or misty when you took these pictures? At first I thought it was flare, but thats seems to be wayy too much lol.
There was a small amount of fog. The excess flare is due to the long exposure times required for these HDR composites. I took some faster exposures for the lights, which helped keep them from blowing out but the flare remains.

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