The poolhall


TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Central IL
Thanks to Mohain for part of the effect on this...

**Edited-second image added.


The racker

very cool! like 'em

sepia best
Very cool effect. Nicely done.
Thanks everyone. No lensbaby here, tonyeck is right, I stole the tilt-shift simulation from Mohain's thread.

Rock on...........
Wow. It's amazing the way habbitual response to a stimulation will make you view an image. I looked at these and immediately thought "I wonder where crawdaddio got such a tiny pool table..."

Very nicely captured. Good use of that effect too. I'd like to see the originals for comparison if you've got them.
Long exposures would be very difficult with a Lensbaby.

It would be REALLY cool if the baby had some sort of locking system once you've found what you're looking for.
crawdaddio said:
Thanks everyone. No lensbaby here, tonyeck is right, I stole the tilt-shift simulation from Mohain's thread.

Rock on...........

Awesome. I like the ghostly effect of the people.
Great, man. I have seen them before on your flickr, and they were good the second time as well. :lol:
excellent processing craw...... i still havent tried it yet.... but thanks to mohain these work brilliantly...... a technique worth experimenting with for sure :thumbup:
Yeah it is^! I've been going through old shots, looking for good ones for this technique.

Thanks again everyone :)

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