The "Where Am I?" Game

Cow, honey.. your turn now!!!!! :D:D:D:D
you have to be sweet to him... maybe then he'll listen :p
*Duckie goes outside to fire up the barbarque...

"Rite Cow. This is getting serious doode."

I vote we give cow another 24 hours... after that someone else have a go.

"Bovine Burger anyone?"
Arrite... I got bored (I have a short attention span).

Here's three more folks:



Good try Core but no kewpie doll.

and yeah cow - you earned your go - do it now bud. I'll fess up on this one for ya.

It's Scotland - Saint Andrew's to be exact. It had the biggest church in the united kingdom until some boofhead (prolly Cromwell) came and bashed it down. What you see here is the ruined castle that was beside the church (1st shot) and the ruins of the church itself (shots 2 and 3). Apparently they dug up through the soft earth of the catacombs and attacked the castle from within.

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