The White Mountains in Summer


TPF Noob!
Dec 12, 2016
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This is a view of Mount Lafayette from Cannon Mountain in the White Mountains of New Hampshire that I shot back in August while vacationing up there. Shot handheld from a rocky outcrop partway along the trail. I was able to capture this and a couple other shots before the rain moved in and we had to get off the rocks.

Comments and criticism are always appreciated. Enjoy!


View From Cannon
I like the cool tones you've captured here. Cannon is a great spot for these type of shots where the mountains just seem to go on forever. I just love the way it smells like Christmas up there all the time. Did you hike up or take the gondola?
Thank you. The blue haze is typical when shooting distant subjects in that area even when its not overcast.

We hiked up Cannon and then took the gondola back down. The views from the top are breathtaking, but there are better vantage points for photos along the trails.
very pleasant image, and well managed tones and colours.
Pay attention to the spots (half-high zone):1251: .
all the best,
Looks like a beautiful view! I would like to see more of the valley and mountain ranges that are on the left side of the photo.

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