This is NOT a lens


TPF junkie!
May 10, 2007
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Slapamonkey, New York
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The Canon EF is a manual focus 35mm SLR camera produced between 1973 and 1978 and is compatible with Canon's FD and FL-mount lenses. This camera's main feature was the first and last of its kind. It was the Copal Square, a vertical-travel, metal-curtain, focal-plane shutter. Yeah this makes a very unique sound as far as Canons go.

This camera body tends to cause some confusion amung more seasoned photographers with Canon opting to name a lens series after an obsolete camera body designation. Well I can assure you this is not a lens :p.

This one here is one of the latter models with the split microprism viewfinders.


Click here to see every scratch

Click here to see every scratch And all the debris from my coat I forgot again

Click here to see every scratch
Sorry, I could not help my self :lol:

watch out those fulls are huge
This camera was way ahead of it's time. The one and only time that I switched from Nikon to Canon, I owned one of these. I loved it. I shot it for about a year and then went back to Nikon, mostly because of the lenses. But I sure did enjoy shooting the EF.

Thanks for posting the photos, I had not seen one of these in a long, long time.
This camera was way ahead of it's time. Thge one and only time that I switched from Nikon to Canon, I owned one of these. I loved it. I shot it for about a year and then went back to Nikon, mostly because of the lenses. But I sure did enjoy shooting the EF.

Thanks for posting the photos, I had not seen one of these in a long, long time.

I agree with it being ahead of it's time. Prolly one of Canons best with some of the features it had that got quickly discontinued.
Looks kinda like my F-1.
Looks kinda like my F-1.

I was looking at an F-1 a couple months ago for that reason, but once you get past the original appearence one finds that they are very different cameras....I ended up passing on the F-1 because I liked the EF better and did not have the time and money to try figuring out the display of the F-1.
The Copal vertical metal shutter was also used in the Nikkormat series back in the mid to late 1960's and permitted it to flash sync at 1/125 when all Nikon "F" bodies with cloth horizontal shutters sync'ed at 1/60. Todays trivia lesson.
wat kinda "unique" sound does this camera produce

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