

TPF Noob!
Jan 19, 2014
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Los Angeles
Can others edit my Photos
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Took this photo while i was with my girlfriend visiting her passed away father at the cemetery. Personally i kinda like it, the slight tilt of the building pisses me off a bit. Should of did better IMO.

The building tilt is easily corrected in post. The image is fine technically; good exposure, WB, etc, but to be honest, it's not very interesting to someone who doesn't have a connection with the scene. Square-on, centered compositions aren't usually the most exciting; consider shooting on an angle (relative to the front of the church), and composing such that the church is more off to one side (read up on the rule of thirds).
I agree with the other comment . The tilt is nothing. Half the time I don't even worry about it as I'm shooting because it is faster to fix it in post then it is to set up for it as your shooting. As far as the composition, I don't care for it and think the rule of thirds could if helped here. Hey you could always crop in the rule of thirds. Lol

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