Three ponds


TPF Noob!
Mar 2, 2014
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Can others edit my Photos
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Coming down from Lake Harris on the Routeburn track. I've been told if I edited it it could be awesome, but it already has work into it. Would you change anything?

Three ponds by Martín E., on Flickr
I've been told if I edited it it could be awesome, but it already has work into it. Would you change anything?

It's a nice scene but editing cannot fix the lighting conditions it was taken under.

Half the image in in the shade from clouds and the other half I'd under harsh sunlight that has killed all the detail in the highlights. Even an HDR under that light just would not change the fact that half the scene looks shadowed and hard in hard light.

If the screen had been been in ether complete sunlight or complete shade it would have been much better.
Slight miss compared to your other amazing shots IMO, Cool scene though.
Hard to say just by this rendering, but if you want to post a link to the raw file, I think it would be interesting to see what I might come up with.
You never know.
Yeah, It was kinda overexposed to begin with... thanks.

What about going in this direction? I know it's underexposed and there are some rough brush transitions. Do you think it looks better overall? Because the play of light and shadows is what I like about it, but I think I ****ed it up overexposing it.

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i think i like the first one better. any chance you can get back there when there is better light/sky? great composition, but the lighting is just killing the picture
Your second version shows that you are instinctively trying to correct the lighting. Unfortunately, the light was not your friend that day.

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