To do or not to do - The Photography Institute Online Course


TPF Noob!
May 26, 2012
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Hi just wondering if anyone has done this course and if they have any comments on it or if they recommend doing it?
I'm pretty sure it's about $1000 but they keep having sales for $799 and it's only an online course
Buy a good lens with that money and take 1000 pictures with that great lens, posting the ones you like and think are good for critique.

you will be wayyyyyyyy ahead on skills and time.
Wow ok very true thanks heaps for ur input I think I might just start looking at lens now haha :)
My advice is that distance learning - eg through the internet - works only for subjects where the learning is book and theory work. Where the greater part is reading and comprehension. In photography this could be learning about the physics of light, or the theories of composition.

However when it comes down to it, photography is a hands on skill. For them you need a tutor there in the room/outside with you at the time before you take the shot to guide you. Otherwise its a trial and error process and you'll end up not learning half as much if the tutor is only able to comment on the photos at a distance after the event.
Yeah that's what I've come to realize as I just did a 4 week course and learned so much as it was practical photography stage 1. Having the tutor their with me made everything more easier to understand so maybe sticking to these shorter face to face courses are going to be more beneficial.

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