Today's mini dachshund :P


TPF Noob!
Jun 30, 2007
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I'm trying to do a picture a day thing all of my puppy, Molly. I originally started the first of the year, but I always forgot, or was busy, but I picked back up around the end of March. Yesterday I posted two photos of her that I really liked, I like today's too but I'm not sure if it's as good as the other two.
Well, here it is anyways lol-

(clicking it takes you to it on my flickr)

Oh and I know the focus was on her nose...intentional, it just happened that I didn't like any of the ones where the focus was on her eyes :P

What do you think?
Cute dog, and nice pic.
I would suggest posting them all in the same thread so we can see them all together. (if it's going to be an ongoing project) :D PS ~ Cute Pup
Thank you :D
Yeah, I think I'll start another thread (just because this one says today's photo) And I'll put the other thread from yesterday's link, and today's thread's link, and then I'll just start posting the pictures. Or should I just do it with this thread?
she looks like a stuffed animal. The brown is so brown, and her nose is so perfect. I like it.

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