Too point an shoot-ish? Sick of this session yet? LOL


TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2010
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Alllmooost done editing! I really appreciate all the feedback so far from this Sunday's senior session.

Here's one more.. It's very different from the rest, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. The sun had pretty much gone down, and I was driving the girl and her friend home for the evening. We saw this sunset and could resist, so we just pulled over in the middle of farm country to take a shot :lol:

I didn't want to just overexpose the sky, so I resorted to the on-board flash, bouncing off a reflector above the camera. Here's the result... is it too harsh or too point and shoot looking? It just doesn't have that soft natural feeling the rest of her pictures have.... Thoughts?


Oh and THANK YOU again to everyone, you have been such a huge support, and your encouragement really helped me this weekend =)
i dont think its so point and shootish i liek the shallow DOF helps the out
>>SNIP>>.... Thoughts?


Oh and THANK YOU again to everyone, you have been such a huge support, and your encouragement really helped me this weekend =)

This has a very 1980's feeling to it. This look was quite popular back then. Many,many people liked this look. Sunset time flash + ambient shoots were really,really hot back then, especially for glamour/boudoir/swimwear/model portfolio types of shoots.
I think it is a great shot for the most part. It does seem your flash was a half stop to a stop too powerful, but still a good shot. You may be able to bring down the exposer of her face just a tad to adjust for the powerful flash if you'd like.
I like the shot. My only niggly bits are:
- CA wiggling in from the left, just above her shoulder
- Specks of white on the left arm
I like the shot. My only niggly bits are:
- CA wiggling in from the left, just above her shoulder
- Specks of white on the left arm

Good eye! I was so concerned with the lighting and harshness of the flash I forgot to look for the little things. Will clone those out ASAP thanks =)
It appears that you have used a wide lens and were somewhat close to the subject.. The hands which are in front of her, and your low angle (again, close to the hands) have introduced distortion, and they appear much too large as compared to her face..

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