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Sep 16, 2014
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My house was being renovated and the painter left his stuff behind...
Comments welcome

Honestly, it might be a little muddy? For my taste it seems like there might be too many tones in the brush & sponge that look like other tones
Have to agree; it's verging on the monochrome and the huge amount of midtones gives very little for the eye to hold on to.
I see what you guys mean, thing is I like it this way......but maybe I am all alone in that :)
I think one of the Lightroom colored filter effects would reallllly help this. I often just click through the Lightroom color filter effect options, and look at yellow, green,red, blue filter effects, and if I find one that has potential, I will then adjust the exposure levels, and often times the effect of the right filter is almost miraculous. The problem here is that the paint brush bristles and the sponge both have the SAME tonal value, which is what represents color in B&W...so the effect is rather monotonous.

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