topaz AI


TPF Noob!
Sep 24, 2023
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tupelo mississippi
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
just picked up Topaz denoise AI. and MAN! does it help! shot some at a friends daughters wedding (just snaps in the background) but had the ISO cranked up to 1600 on my D3200. and YUCK! so i thought it was time i tried TOPAZ. WOW! now i don't work for Topaz. in any way. but i would push this one! (just in case they're reading this! LOL!
topaz col  copy.jpg
I guess Topaz is phasing out the individual apps and putting all theif eggs into the Photo AI basket. It’s real good though so it makes sense not to have to be works with so many individual apps.
I have been able to rescue shots from my archives that would have never seen the light of day without Sharpen AI and DeNoise AI. Good stuff. I have noticed, however, that LrC and PS are improving their noise reduction and sharpen algorithms. I usually try them first, if I don't get satisfactory results, I go to Topaz.
I use Topaz Photo AI in conjunction with Photoshop Elements. I have found that it does take care of noise, but it can be at the expense of fine detail. I pretty much don't use it on faces anymore (occasionally, I do). I have found that it can cause what looks like a bad case of way too much botox on my subjects. Faces can become too smooth and lose character.

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