Train Track Into A Snowy Ocean


TPF Noob!
Oct 15, 2009
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Sierra Vista, AZ
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Tell me what you think, I took this one on the road from Whittier to Anchorage.

It's very nice, though I have two small gripes with it: The vignetting is too strong and doesn't really suit the shot that well IMHO, and secondly the train tracks are slightly off center - I would have preferred to see these either dead centre, or even better, starting off to one side and leading into the middle of the frame.
It's very nice, though I have two small gripes with it: The vignetting is too strong and doesn't really suit the shot that well IMHO, and secondly the train tracks are slightly off center - I would have preferred to see these either dead centre, or even better, starting off to one side and leading into the middle of the frame.

Other than that, this is a great idea!!!
I think it is great. I think that if the tracks were in the exact center, than you would have too much of the rock/hill in the right side of the photo. Good job
Nice shot. As others have said, I think the vignetting is a bit overdone, but that's a personal preference thing. I see you're from Sierra Vista. What were you up to in the cold North? I currently live in Alaska, but I travel to S. Arizona about 2-3 times a year.
I like it. Too dark and tracks should be more centered.
I like the pattern of the sky and your angle when you took this shoot. My only issue is that it's too dark for my taste. Thanks for sharing, btw.


Eric Mansfield
bahaha my husband posted this to my account. I pitched a fit about it. for one, I don't nessessarily like the photo, and two, it wasn't my work, and I don't like that he posted it to MY account.
love the leading lines created by the road here and the contrast of snow and the soil. just some soft constructive criticisms I do find it a bit underexposed and the colors are a bit faint, try increasing exposure and use nd grad to cut the light in the horizon. cheers!

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