Travel Drone: Bad Idea?

William Baroo

TPF Noob!
Aug 30, 2023
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My wife wants to get a drone for foreign trips. I get it, because there are a lot of impressive drone travel videos out there. I don't want to do it, however, because of some things I think are probably true.

1. It would take me a long time to learn how to use a drone, and during that time it would sit in our house while we went on trips. There is zero chance the wife would learn. I'm confused enough, trying to operate cameras.
2. It would end up on some European's roof, and it would stay there because no one would help us get it back. Or it would fly into the ocean.
3. I would have to get a European drone permit, which is a pain.
4. I would only be able to use it way out in the country, so forget those great videos of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
5. Every foreigner and most tourists who saw us using it at popular sites would hate us for making noise and causing a big distraction.
6. One more bulky item to haul through airports.

Is this pretty much how it works?

I could see making some use of a drone if we were going to go live in the wilderness for a couple of weeks, but even then, it's not very appealing.
Probably not as easy flying one in the E.U as you think, they do love their red tape, have a read here and then decide if it's the hassle

"Bad Idea of the Month" contender, along with packing too much gear.
Sounds like a world of hassle and potential confrontation, wish I had purchased one before all the red tape, rules and agro started but it's too late now - no thanks...
Sounds like you already have a good take on it. Just an afterthought save the money on the drone and take a local helicopter tour.
First, tell your wife it's a splendid idea and since you'll be carrying a camera and loaded down with gear, she'll be the UAV operator. So she needs to learn how to use it because you'll be busy taking stills with your camera.

Second, your take is mostly accurate. I think the key variable is: it varies dramatically by country. For instance, I've seen UAV pictures from Iceland--MINDBLOWING! And well worth getting a UAV if you're heading to Iceland.

Well, otoh, here's UAV policy for the EU: Drone laws in Italy | Drone license. You'll notice that two licenses are required. Additionally, besides the EU policies, there are additional country-specific laws. I thought you'd mentioned you were going to Italy (my memory may be wrong), here's the Italian UAV policy: Drone Laws in Italy | UAV Coach (2023) You'll notice it requires a separate registration fee plus a statement to the Italian authority and there are additional restrictions from the EU.
Oh, I'll tell her the idea sounded brilliant to me, but a bunch of people on a forum talked me out of it.
"This guy JoeW says you're an idiot!"
In all seriousness, they're easier to operate than you'd think. I have a DJI Mini 2 and they're pretty idiot proof. And yes, they take really cool shots. It's like going scuba diving for the first time--Theres a while another world to explore!

That said, I'd never bring one to Europe. Rural, ocean and wilderness is it for me, and I'm very conscious of other peeps because they are annoying.

And mine packs into a bag about the size of a large binocular bag, fwiw. But I generally lug it around in a small Pelican.

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