Tureg Family


TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2005
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Versailles, FR
I am a newbie to this forum and I thought I would start by sharing two versions of the same photo and get some opnions. This photo was takem during one of my visits to Niger - middle of the Sahara in mid summer! I had a chance to visit a small Tureg settlement. Nice people.


How sad, I don't see any pictures.
Have you changed something about your photos in Photobucket AFTER you have posted them here? That breaks the link, you know...
Now the colour pic is a bit on the large side, hard to view if you have to scroll horizontally and vertically, but since the black+white version of the same is smaller the overall pic can be appreciated there.

Seems like you have seen people and lands that few of us have ever been to, very interesting. They look friendly, that mother also looks very young, very pretty, and what I like so much in this photo is their storage space in that tent! That is a clever solution to storing their belongings - which might be their beds (hammock style) that go there during the day????

This photo sure makes me curious and wanting to see more.
Were they happy enough with you taking their pic?
They look pretty relaxed about it.

How come you got to be there?
Thanks for the comments. I travel extensively for work to wonderful places like Niger, Sudan, Kazakhstan, Australia, South Africa, Canada, USA - I was in Chile just the other week. Don't be envious since most of the time I don't even get to take my camera out of my briefcase or I am taking lots of very uniteresting engineering related photos. Who wants to see pumps, pipe, concrete, etc.

As for the pictures above - I resized for you (what a pain to get it just right!) I have been travelling frquently to the Sahara in Niger and consequently I am now well known. I generally take photo back with me to give away and now I get lots of chances to take pictures of the locals. My French is now also much improved which also helps a lot.

I will post some more when I get this sizing thing worked out with Photobucket.
Here are a couple more photos from Niger. Life is not quite as comfortable there as we have it. But the people are great and friendly.


Have a look at the two extra photos added to give a bit more insight into the people of Niger. I know the one of the woman by the well is a bit blown out - hard to do anything when you have a bright sunny day without a neutral filter and only a point-and-shoot digital.
That baby looks almost newborn! How small ...!

Despite the blown-out parts of the sky in your photo of the woman at the well I like that one. You would expect photos taken in the desert during the day to be this bright, I think ... and the fact that this is a scene we would otherwise not see at all means it is an interesting photo, technical flaws or not! So thank you for adding these.

(Actually I have seen these earlier and was convinced I had posted a reply, but maybe I only planned to type up what was on my mind and got sidetracked by something..., sorry).
The B&W of the family gets my vote....excelent shot.

The one of the well brings back memory of living in Tripoli, Llibya, in the '50s....yep.

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