Uhh... Too good to be true?

Heather Koch

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 10, 2014
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So I have been checking my local ads and amazon everyday, multiple times a day for a D7100 body.
Someone on here is selling one and we have talked but I don't want them to hold it for me so I can sell mine...

BUT I found a refurbished one on Amazon, just today! For... $490. My heart was racing the whole time I was scrolling through the "buying" process. Though I contacted Amazon before hand to ask about the seller, they ensure me that all sellers on Amazon are trusted and they have a very secure system. Also IF I were to encounter any issues/problems they would take care of me.

SOO I went ahead and made the purchase. I hope it is not too good to be true.

Thoughts? Would you have "jumped the gun," as I did?

Here is the link Nikon D7100
So I have been checking my local ads and amazon everyday, multiple times a day for a D7100 body.
Someone on here is selling one and we have talked but I don't want them to hold it for me so I can sell mine...

BUT I found a refurbished one on Amazon, just today! For... $490. My heart was racing the whole time I was scrolling through the "buying" process. Though I contacted Amazon before hand to ask about the seller, they ensure me that all sellers on Amazon are trusted and they have a very secure system. Also IF I were to encounter any issues/problems they would take care of me.

SOO I went ahead and made the purchase. I hope it is not too good to be true.

Thoughts? Would you have "jumped the gun," as I did?
Here is the link Nikon D7100

A decent camera for half price...WHy not?
So I have been checking my local ads and amazon everyday, multiple times a day for a D7100 body.
Someone on here is selling one and we have talked but I don't want them to hold it for me so I can sell mine...

BUT I found a refurbished one on Amazon, just today! For... $490. My heart was racing the whole time I was scrolling through the "buying" process. Though I contacted Amazon before hand to ask about the seller, they ensure me that all sellers on Amazon are trusted and they have a very secure system. Also IF I were to encounter any issues/problems they would take care of me.

SOO I went ahead and made the purchase. I hope it is not too good to be true.

Thoughts? Would you have "jumped the gun," as I did?
Here is the link Nikon D7100

A decent camera for half price...WHy not?
Right!? My exact thoughts...
Yes. I have a lot of trust in Amazon. If you're not completely satisfied you'll get a credit. So jump on it.

Me too and Amazon never lets me down, heck they are even refunding me for a desk chair I bought last Christmas...
Thoughts? Would you have "jumped the gun," as I did?

Certainly! You have made a very good deal. Congratulations!

Though my order was just canceled and now its saying item not available... VERY SAD. On chat with Amazon right now...

Maybe my gut was right... Again, tear, tear.
OKAY a mod can cancel/delete this thread. My "fishy" instinct was right, seller was a fake.

Sad, but I will get my new camera! One day...
Even if Amazon does back the customer, if I see an item that I know sells within a specific price range for significantly less I will dig to see what the deal is, and 9/10 times there's usually a catch.

As the old saying goes, (and this thread is proof of that) "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is".
Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you this time!
There are so bad guys on Amazon. If they are selling for half the real price, chances it's a scam. Be cautious if they want you to email them.
Sorry to hear about it, but as Mr. Photo said; if it's too good to be true it probably is!
We have that kind of deal here in India all the time, you can find people selling brand new d7100 for 415$s.. I've never even had the urge to enquire further, as I know how the market works. I'm sure you'll find a deal if you keep looking, just not as sweet a deal as this one.. :lol:
Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you this time!

Key word THIS TIME :)

There are so bad guys on Amazon. If they are selling for half the real price, chances it's a scam. Be cautious if they want you to email them.

Yeah that is what caught my eye, the whole email thing. In which I searched on google and found a lady from Mexico...

Sorry to hear about it, but as Mr. Photo said; if it's too good to be true it probably is!
We have that kind of deal here in India all the time, you can find people selling brand new d7100 for 415$s.. I've never even had the urge to enquire further, as I know how the market works. I'm sure you'll find a deal if you keep looking, just not as sweet a deal as this one.. :lol:

Yes I know, its sad, but sometimes I get too excited I just say... Eff it. But thank God it was on amazon and they have excellent customer service.

Yes I will find one. Soon! Very soon!
This thread reminds me of when I was initially looking at a d7100 or d600 before Christmas 2013.
I searched a few sites including Amazon. I found a d600 for a fantastic price.
Anyways, I went through the buying process and the scammer essentially had all the red flags ==> Help | Amazon Payments

I had a writeup going through the steps.
The funny thing is the seller (based in brazil upon my research) was saying the seller (based in Coldwater, Michigan) was going to send me the package as soon as I sent payment. Now Coldwater is actually fairly close to me. He game me the address it was coming from but no phone number. I was able to track and call the dude. No, he wasn't selling a d600.

My computer then crashed and I forgot about the writeup I was going to post here on TPF. I might go back and look for it.

But, if the price is too good to be true, it's usually some sort of scam.

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