Ultimate Gnarly Dead Tree in Cemetery revisited


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
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Stumbled on this some months ago and was able to take a snapshot but I only had a plain sky behind the tree. Finally I was out day before yesterday and we had some heavy clouds and broken sunlight and I had the camera along.


The sunlight spoils it for me. Let's hope you can be there sometime at night with the moon in the clouds.
I disagree. This works perfectly to me. I like it better than the original shot of it.
It is a good image the way it is and dependent on the eye of the beholder then either way would work. For my eye the tree could be off centered to the left. It is Ysarex's image and he has the say for the post processing
Love the shot, well done! Have you tried a B&W version of this? I think the threatening sky would look great in B&W.
Just to throw my two cents in as well, I think the essential elements here are the tree, headstones and maybe part of the tall conifer on the right just as a border. This might be even more powerful cropped in closer to those. "Confining" the tree could create some interesting tension.

I don't know about B&W - there are some interesting color contrasts here - it would at any rate be a very different image.
Love the shot, well done! Have you tried a B&W version of this? I think the threatening sky would look great in B&W.

Working on it -- check back this evening.

So sweet. I wouldn't crop. I'd like to see a little more space on the left.
OK -- here it is in B&W. Glad you all enjoyed it. I've got the moonlit night on my to do list.


Stumbled on this some months ago and was able to take a snapshot but I only had a plain sky behind the tree. Finally I was out day before yesterday and we had some heavy clouds and broken sunlight and I had the camera along.


View attachment 115200
Nice eye, well composed and IMO, there's a Holga shot begging to be took.

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OK -- here it is in B&W. Glad you all enjoyed it. I've got the moonlit night on my to do list.

I like it, nice conversion.

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