Unlimited copyright for a non profit org?

Tirediron is correct, licence for one year.

Personally I don't give anything to "non-profit" organizations. Someone is getting paid to work there, and I'm a for-profit photographer. I give photos away and my time for some groups. Non-profit, I've heard that line way too many times.

It's a shame that some folks don't believe in or want to do good works but fortunately not everyone feels that way. It's really not too hard to find out whether a charity is legit or not. And with the legitimate non-profits, the less they spend on expenses and overhead, the more they have to spend on their charitable activities.
Bear in mind that there's a BIG difference between 'non-profit' and 'charity' - there are non-profit groups that support various political causes, the legalization of drugs, etc; they are non-profit organizations, with certain tax benefits, but they are NOT charities. I do a LOT of work for charities; if I total up the hours at regular rate, I'm guessing this year will approach $10,000 worth. I don't get a dime, not even a tax receipt. I'm pretty sure that Imagemaker donates a fair bit to causes he considers worthy as well. That said, there are some charities that I wouldn't work for, even if they paid me twice my regular rate. The United Way being a prime example. Any outfit that can afford to pay their CEO a six-figure salary doesn't need MY help!

In summary: Just because a person doesn't support certain causes doesn't mean they don't do their share of supporting!

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