
Ron Evers

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jun 28, 2008
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In the country 60km north of Toronto, Canada
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Irish photographer Kevin Abosch sold a pic of a potato for €1 million ($1.08 million).

Is this the most photogenic potato? Photo sold for €1m - CNN.com

Wonder how much my shot is worth?

Ron, you need to make up a bunch of Gobbledy-Gook B.S. about your photo and put a very high price on it.

"I see commonalities between humans and potatoes that speak to our relationship as individuals within a collective species," says Abosch.

"Generally, the life of a harvested potato is violent and taken for granted. I use the potato as a proxy for the ontological study of the human experience."
Nice hole. Poor spud.

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I think someone needed to show a loss for tax reasons.
"Providing basic nourishment to under-represented rodentia in their time of need."
I'd say that would add a nickle to the price.

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