Venting my frustration!

Sierra Echo

TPF Noob!
Nov 20, 2011
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Dropped my brand new Speedlite 430EXII on the road today.

It's got some ugly deep scratches.


The reason why it was off my camera and not being used at the time was because it was just so slow reload during a shoot today that I was better off without it in the sunlight.

I'm starting to think I should've listened to some people and got the 580EX!
Or a real light and a light stand
Slow recharge can be a result of the batteries however. What kind are you using and if they are rechargable what recharging unit are you using?
Brand new. Received the flash on Friday afternoon, bought Energizers the same day, used the flash maybe 20 times on Saturday night.

Come Sunday morning, the pilot light on the flash had a life of it's own, waking up when it felt like it and snoozing at other times.

Can the batteries already be out?
Depends a lot on what power you were using, if you were using full power shot from the flash then the batteries will drain faster than if you are using lower powers. In addition most batteries will drain out on their own when left in the unit. Though they should have kept going for longer than you say (at least by my best guess).

You might want to try new batteries just in case. Myself I would recommend a set up of Eneloop Hybrid rechargable batteries which keep their charge between rechargings to an amazing rate. That coupled with a good quality recharger which lets you charge slowly (eg overnight - several hours) so that it prolongs the lifespan of the batteries (fast charging units will kill their lifespan very quickly). Mana/Powerrex make a good series of 4 and 9 cell charging units - myself I use the 4 Cell C9000 which has features for reconditioning old rechargable batteries.

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