Very first DSLR


TPF Noob!
Jul 9, 2009
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I finally received my XTi but I didn't have time to play with it until after my classes. So I'm in my basement being creative and capturing anything interesting! Using an XTi kit lens(EF-S 18mm-55mm ).Criticism would be nice. Such as how I'm supposed to focus some of the pictures, or set exposure time. All these shots were shot in manual mode to the best of my ability. The green and blue lights are lasers I've built using a green laser diode and also a blu-ray diode ripped out of a ps3.


A spider and its young in a corner of the room. focused on the little ones

same, except focused on the mother

pointed the laser directly on the spiders (Hope I didn't hurt them, the laser lights matches and pops balloons at over 20')

bothering the neighborhood across the street

really wish I had a macro lens

Another one, pointed my flashlight on it(inova X03)

Shot of the laser itself going through a diffraction grating.

A Uranium-doped shattered glass marble(slightly radioactive, but not at all harmful!)

Another focused on the blu-ray laser itself.

Thanks for looking! Can't wait to take some daytime shots at the park tomorrow!
I liked the second to last one....the others just were not my taste. Thanks for posting!
Thanks! I just looked around the room for anything interesting. The spiders were creepy but they were the only thing that seemed interesting at the time. I'd like to take some city night shots sometime.
sounds like your a light geek! could come in handy for photography.. the photos aren't really my style, mainly because I'm afraid of bugs.. yup.. thats right, I'm 6'5" 280lbs and I'm afraid of bugs...

comp wise, they seem kinda boring to me.. BUT, your still new, the best way to get better is to get out and shoot. Practice using the different modes, and READ READ READ.. my first advice would be to sit down (with no camera in hand) read your manual, believe it or not, theres a great deal of info in those things on how to use the camera.. once you've read through it (without the camera in hand) pick up your camera, and read through it again, and play with the buttons they are talking about.

Keep shooting!
uranium marble....????? the effect you got from that was pretty cool... can u pick those up regurlarly or do u have to ahve defcon 5 access? lol.
uranium marble....????? the effect you got from that was pretty cool... can u pick those up regurlarly or do u have to ahve defcon 5 access? lol.

It emits low radiation, not harmful at all. It simply fluoresces when you focus the blu-ray laser on it. Since blu-ray is barely visible at a 405nm wavelength, it's basically a sweet little UV light. I'll post some other things that fluoresce as well. However, the spiders were a little too close for my comfort. I ended up killing it and the babies after, I didn't want little spiders flying everywhere in my basement :p

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