Vintage angel guardian photography illustration


TPF Noob!
May 20, 2024
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Brooksville, FL
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I'm looking for information on this famous photograph. I need a high-res version for a project so I came here for help. Any information at all? Photographer? Date?
Thank you!
I'm looking for information on this famous photograph. I need a high-res version for a project so I came here for help. Any information at all? Photographer? Date?
Thank you!
Begs the question: where did you find it? It's all over Pinterest...
CGW, yes, you're correct but they're all low-res images on Pinterest. I've been seeing it for years. The one I provided is the largest file I can locate and it's inadequate for what I need it for. I will gladly pay for a hi-res version with permission from the photographer and give full credit as well. Just looking for some honest answers about the photo.
Just an FYI there are forum rules that prohibit posting images that you don't hold the copyright on. You can post a link to the image.
@nfrance: Smoke is correct, link to copyrighted images instead of posting. Just becasue "it's all over pinterest" does not mean it's in the public domain or royalty free. When in doubt, post a link.
@nfrance: Smoke is correct, link to copyrighted images instead of posting. Just becasue "it's all over pinterest" does not mean it's in the public domain or royalty free. When in doubt, post a link.
I did post a link.
The one I provided is the largest file I can locate and it's inadequate for what I need it for. I will gladly pay for a hi-res version with permission from the photographer and give full credit as well. Just looking for some honest answers about the photo.

The link you provided in the original post, doesn't seem to be working. Can you please post a link to the photo. Also, you say it's a famous you know his/her name? Or any other clues...year, country, etc. that might be used to track it down.

edited: link working now.
Sounds like a job for AI, (maybe).
I did try AI as well but to no avail. It gave me suggestions, and reaching out to a photography forum was one of them. They suggested Stock Photography sites like Getty and iStock but no one had it. I tried all their suggestions and cannot find definitive information anywhere. I'm perfectly willing to pay for the rights to this photo. It's for a book cover. Thanks for the suggestion.
The link you provided in the original post, doesn't seem to be working. Can you please post a link to the photo. Also, you say it's a famous you know his/her name? Or any other clues...year, country, etc. that might be used to track it down.

edited: link working now.
I believe I said it's a famous photo. I have no idea who the photographer is. That's what I was hoping to learn here. I have nothing other than the photo to go on.
Without any other information to go on it might be a dead end. You could always hire a photographer to recreate a similar type of image suitable for a cover.
Somewhat doubtful it's actually an old photo. The man and his clothing aren't quite right. The tattered wings aren't either...No provenance anywhere supposing it actually is old seems fishy. "Famous" might be a stretch despite showing up everywhere.

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