Vizcaya Outing With My Girls


TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

This is my first post here though I have been following this site for quite sometime. Though relatively new to photography, I gained a greater appreciation after my daughter's were born and just last week I purchased my first professional Canon flash. Critiques are welcomed.

My equipment includes:
Canon EOS 50d
Canon 28-135mm Lens
Canon 50mm 1:1.8 II (rarely used)
Canon 580EX II

Thank you,

1 $IMG_0773.webp




#1 Excellent
#2, 3, 4 should be in portrait format.
#3 is overexposed due to very light background.
#5 forget the tilt, it does nothing but harm to this otherwise very good shot. The streak of sunlight in back is something of a distraction. Sometimes all you need to do is move a few steps to find a better background.
Why are your family photos in the professional gallery? Color me confused.
Since these are your children, I'll assume that this was not a paid commission and move them to the People Gallery.
Didn't realize it was a taboo since I have been following this thread for two years and I have seen photographers post photos of their children and grandchildren and no one has asked them to move their threads.
Didn't realize it was a taboo since I have been following this thread for two years and I have seen photographers post photos of their children and grandchildren and no one has asked them to move their threads.

Yeah...we used to be able to put our feet up on the coffee table, but now Mom and Dad have gotten all strict on's so bad that now we even have to take out shoes off before we come into the house!!!
Didn't realize it was a taboo since I have been following this thread for two years and I have seen photographers post photos of their children and grandchildren and no one has asked them to move their threads.

Did your children pay you for the photos you took of them? That's the only reason I said something. The professional gallery is for commissioned work.
If we were to take down the photos we were not paid for, this thread would hardly have any postings. I find it disrespectful to be asked to move my thread.
TPF Staff and moderators do not see every post.

You have a low post count, so there is no way for anyone here to know long you have been looking at TPF as a non-member, and new members often start threads in an inapropriate forum.

No one asked you to move the thread, since you can't do that, only moderators/staff can.
No one suggested you had to 'take down' any photos, but you did not start your thread in an appropriate forum.

TPF's FAQ's page - Photography Forum & Digital Photography Forum FAQ

* Should a TPF Staff member contact you requesting changes in your posts, your signature, your style, or any other comments, you are expected to cooperate completely.

*TPF Staff also reserve the right to move, with or without explanation, any message that appears to be posted in the wrong forum. Although every effort is made to contact the poster when this is done, this is not always possible.
If we were to take down the photos we were not paid for, this thread would hardly have any postings. I find it disrespectful to be asked to move my thread.

You posted your images in the "Professional Gallery" initially. They were then moved to "People Photography." Unless your own kids paid you money to take their photos, or had an exchange of services (which I highly doubt), then they do not belong in the professional gallery.

It was simply that you posted non-professional photos in the professional forum. It was not meant to be disrespectful, just reality.
To reiterate: my moving your thread was no reflection on you, your work, or anything else. It was no different than someone who accidentally posted a Nikon question in the Sony forum. One of the moderators would move in order to keep the forum at least somewhat orderly. The Professional Forum is for paid commissions.
To reiterate: my moving your thread was no reflection on you, your work, or anything else. It was no different than someone who accidentally posted a Nikon question in the Sony forum. One of the moderators would move in order to keep the forum at least somewhat orderly. The Professional Forum is for paid commissions.


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