Washington State Bird

Soul Rebel

TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Port Angeles, WA
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Might as well be the state bird. We have enough of them flying around.



Thanks for looking...
You fooled me! I was hoping for a Gold Finch. Have not seen one in years.

Nice shots.
fredcwdoc said:
You fooled me! I was hoping for a Gold Finch. Have not seen one in years.

Nice shots.

:) Then my job is done....

These seagulls were really getting to me. What I wanted was to practice getting the birds flying. When I had tried this before they just didnt turn out like I had wanted. So I figured if I walked real close they would scatter and fly. Nope. They kept swimming. In the end I had to throw a small rock out near the birds to get them to fly:(

Btw, thanks for the comments. Despite being such a dirty bird they happen to be one of my favorites:)

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