Weekly challenge 4/18 - 4/24 Light trails are not just for cars


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, let’s try some light trails/light painting. It’s a growing niche with lots of diy tools and really creative results. Indoors or in your own back yard if you have one, out on the streets if you’re not on lockdown and feel safe. This is something that can be very easy or super complicated. Check out Art made of light on Instagram or some of the many tutorials on YouTube for some absolutely incredible designs and ideas. You can use the light trails to highlight a subject or as the subject itself. Even if you just write your name or a quick hello with a flash light, give it a try. What else do you have to do?

I confess that I’ve been wanting to try this for a while and finally am going to give it a shot during this endless spring quarantine. So this challenge is a bit self serving but we can learn together!

As always, new photos only for the challenge please. Get up and shoot!

This tutorial is fun and has the general idea of what the challenge is about.

this one has some pretty clever DIY set ups if you’re looking to get creative

this one is a bit of overkill with trying to sell their tools but the concept is achievable with stuff you probably have around the house

more ideas:

Painting with light and long exposures | Wex Photo Video
This thread reminded me of a fad that was around a few years ago, and that I may have had a part in
We all know Graffiti can be a mixed blessing damaging and producing some wonderful art.
I was doing an non damaging alternative
Light graffiti, using light to Tag buildings at night and photo the tag.
I may try this again , will post images if they work
The colored light tube I ordered came yesterday. This is on my agenda for tonight!
Sorry about the knees but these are great - especially that last one!
Very cool shots O.K.!

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