Weekly challenge 5/16 - 5/22 Scavenger hunt


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, let’s mix it up a bit and have a photo scavenger hunt! The list below has 7 subjects. Throughout the week, try to photograph all 7. You can post them as you take them or wait until you have completed the hunt. Bonus points if you can overlap and kill two or three birds with one shot. You can take the subjects as literally or figuratively as you choose. Try to make each photo something that challenges your creativity and uses the skills you’ve practiced in previous challenges. Don’t forget to label each shot you post with the item(s) you’re checking off the list.

1 - door
2 - light
3 - purple
4 - food
5 - soft
6 - reflection
7 - shoe

As always, new photos only for the challenge please. Get up and shoot!
#6. Reflection

I don't think I've done a scavenger hunt since I worked at summer camp. You mean this can be done without having to keep track of a bunch of kids running around outdoors?! lol who knew.
I took a pic of this door and light, then noticed the reflection of my pickup and wondered, could I get all 7 in one shot? Throw in some purple food (grape Crush) and a soft shoe, 1 to 7? Feel free to shame me, even I think it's pushing it a bit far. :guilty:

A little more serious attempt at #3 purple.

Here's #3 purple and #6 reflection and a cold pop if anyone stops by.
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