What do you do for a living?

Bet you'll never guess what I do... * hides avatar*... :)
Aircraft Maintenance personnel. I get blamed when your flight runs late
I'm a train guard in Sydney Australia.
I run a small 3D animation studio where we handle mostly the technical side of things as well as a professor at Humber college teaching 3D.
i teach adobe apps, photo and video at a high school. its fun!
I'm a part time student of psychology. I make jewelry and sell it online, but business is bad right now so I'm looking for part time work (hopefully in a photography studio).
Full time student, Major is Fashion Buying & Merchandising. I also work at a retail store part time.
I'm an accountant for the Department of the Treasury.

Great but extremely boring job.

And Compaq...you'll be surprised what you'll be willing to put up with when other people count on you.
I am a doctor that just graduated and opened up my own office in mid September. I have been thinking of trying to get into teaching as well at the college level...maybe Biology or Anatomy & Physiology.

Not easy starting your own practice let me tell you.
I started a reply on this last night, but it flowed into a tirade about how I hate my job. So lets just say I do something I no longer enjoy.

That makes two of us... it's time to search for alternatives ;)

I am fortunate to be experiencing the reverse of this. I'm a "Transit Information Specialist" for the city public transit system. I took the job 6+ years ago, simply out of desperation. Single mom with two boys and no job wasn't really working out that well for me.
When I started, most of my job was stuff I hated. I proofed our maps and schedules, which was fine; but I also had to do all of the bus destination signs (those electronic signs on the front of the buses that say where it's headed), and keep up with all the bus stop signs and shelters needs. Over six years, I've managed to turn the job into something I love--handed off the destination signs and the bus stop sign/shelter tracking, took over the "graphics department" (which was really just one crazy, mean women who I'm pretty sure was just ONE more bad day away from killing us all..), and pushed us headlong into the 21st century with new technology and social media.
I still do all the writing, editing and proofing--but now I'm also the photographer, graphic designer, website maintainer, blogger, social media guru, Electronic signage department. All for close to the same low pay as when they hired me!
The REAL upside is that it's a government job...at this point, I think I'd have to go postal to lose my job.
The downside is...it's a government job.

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