What do you do in this situation?


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Let's say you are pretty confident about your photo sense and your 'ability' to give good comments and critique.

You open a thread and there are any number of pictures which the OP is very happy about and the first one or two viewers have given raves to.

You, on the other hand, want to find this person, take their camera away and break their shutter fingers.

What do you do?
Lately, I've found myself just shaking my head, closing the thread and going somewhere else, leaving them in their delusion (from my viewpoint).
I say what I'm thinking. Period.

Unless it's a poster that I know is going to vehemently fight me to the death that their photos are A-MAZ-ING, and cry and all me mean for giving helpful critique. :lol:
I tell them straight, it really pisses me off when people say the shots are great when it's obvious they are a pile of ****e
First, let go of your anger!

I only offer my opinion if the OP is asking for feedback. If they're just showing some of their photos that they like, I close the thread and move on.
I tell them straight and hope that one of the other knowledgeable members will back me up. I do, however, try to offer at least a couple of pieces of advice.
You open a thread and there are any number of pictures which the OP is very happy about and the first one or two viewers have given raves to.

You, on the other hand, want to find this person, take their camera away and break their shutter fingers. (from my viewpoint).

I do not get that upset about lousy pictures from newbies. If a person is really happy about images that are _really_ _poor_ _photos_, then chances are that person is a total beginner, and just getting a focused shot of whatever it is was a significant challenge,and achievement, for them. Skill levels are varied here on TPF. Honestly, Lew, I have a much,much higher tolerance threshold for truly God-awful newbie shots than I do for photos coming from MWAC and GWC "pro photographers" who think they are pretty good, but who actually know just enough to be dangerous, and not enough to know when their stuff is breaking established rules and guidelines and making the entire professional photography business look like a bunch of dip-chits.
Well said.

Everyone starts by producing lessor quality, some moreso than others, no reason to get too riled up about it.
the first one or two viewers have given raves to.

You, on the other hand, want to find this person, take their camera away and break their shutter fingers.

It's this part that bothers me.
Hell, if bad pictures bothered me I'd be in a convent by now.
Now the OP thinks he's wonderful, a natural talent and the first viewer has committed himself.

I don't like harshing anyone's buzz.
My question to the OP is by what standards are we judging the quality of the photograph(s)? Yours, mine, etc. This is the exact reason I don't give c&c unless it is to point out something along the line of classic portraiture rules, general rules for landscape etc if that is what the OP is asking for. The way I look at it is if the photographer is happy with it and or the client is happy with it then that is all that really matters. Their shots don't have my name on them, nor are they going to be hanging on my wall so it doesn't really matter to me.

I find Picasso's work not to my taste (to put it mildly), however if someone gave me a Picasso, I wouldn't throw it in the trash. I wouldn't hang it on my walls either. There is a lot of good gear I could purchase and somewhere in the world is a person that would appreciate buying such a work so in the long run we are both happy.
If people ask for critique, I don't mind being negative after others have been uncritical. The deciding factor for me is whether I can figure out where to start. With some of the threads of this sort, I don't even have a clue where to begin, so I just close them and move on. I suppose someone needs to be giving useful advice, but one can't do everything.
If people are asking for C&C, that's what they get.

If they're after mindless praise, well...that would be MP :p. A new section for the forum, perhaps.

That said, it's better to offer advice, rather than just a flat-out "Dude, that sucks".
If people are asking for C&C, that's what they get.

If they're after mindless praise, well...that would be MP :p. A new section for the forum, perhaps.

That said, it's better to offer advice, rather than just a flat-out "Dude, that sucks".

The person might be correct, but it MUST be put in photographic terms to be meaningful. No centre of interest, no visual impact, technically poor, snap shot quality, no attention to detail, cluttered background, distracting elements, need for postprocessing, etc.....The list goes on.

IF I can be helpful I'll say what I think but generally I'll leave them alone.

The thing that ticks me off these days is littering the discussion forums with refrigerator fodder, especially the beginner's forum, to the point it's a major hassle trying to see if someone has an actual question beyond "am I good?". Even questions that you can find answers to in the front of the manual are better than another blown out, fully centered, growing out of the head whatever the putz that is.

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