What do you do when it snows?


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Aug 3, 2012
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Mustang Oklahoma
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Well when you don't see that much snow in Oklahoma, you get a model and find a cool spot to shoot.

Kaedyn did great modeling in the cold.



Love the framing in the second, very well thought out and executed.
Nice, Ron. A little different take, the framing in the second is excellent and would be my favorite except for the expression on the young ladies face. Overall I lean toward the first but would really like to see more breathing room on the right side.

Kudos for getting out in the cold, I went out last night to get some Christmas light reflections on the river. It only took a NY sec standing exposed to a cold north wind on a dock to decide I really didn't need those shots.
Love the framing in the second, very well thought out and executed.

Thank you.

I agree with above. I like the first very much, but the framing in the second is my favorite.

Thank you.

Nice, Ron. A little different take, the framing in the second is excellent and would be my favorite except for the expression on the young ladies face. Overall I lean toward the first but would really like to see more breathing room on the right side.

Kudos for getting out in the cold, I went out last night to get some Christmas light reflections on the river. It only took a NY sec standing exposed to a cold north wind on a dock to decide I really didn't need those shots.

Thank you.
Real purty. On the first with her facing right I would have cropped her over to the left. In the current position I feel like she's exiting stage right. On the last, what in Sam Hill is she wearing ha ha? Looks superimposed. And yes it does look like you found a "cool" spot to shoot. Great photos.

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