What do you guys think of this picture?


TPF Noob!
Jul 11, 2013
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This picture was taken near Granit Hot Springs in Wyoming. I was above the stream and looking up valley then climbed down to take the shot. I wanted to inspire the person viewing the photo to visit, and I also wished to bring enjoyment to whoever viewed the photo. The camera used was a cannon, I don't remember what the lens was because it was stolen in Costa Rica.


  • $ev4a1739.webp
    143.5 KB · Views: 180
IMHO, it's okay. What would I like to see different? How about a longer exposure to make the water have that soft feel. This will also open up some of the shadow areas in the trees (which could possibly be done to this photo). Maybe shoot at a different time of day or use an ND filter.
I could be wrong but it looks like the depth of field is to shallow. The middle of the pic seems to be the only thing in sharp focus.
As Ron says, the soft feel which comes with a longer exposure would improve this shot - in my view a lot. Here, even though it is a nice shot it is not quite clear what the water is supposed to be.

IMHO, it's okay. What would I like to see different? How about a longer exposure to make the water have that soft feel. This will also open up some of the shadow areas in the trees (which could possibly be done to this photo). Maybe shoot at a different time of day or use an ND filter.

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