What do you.....

b-friend... really...I have so many friends but all of them treat me like a collegue, pal... not like a girl... in the full sense of meaning of this word.
Romance and ero... oops.
b-friend... really...I have so many friends but all of them treat me like a collegue, pal... not like a girl... in the full sense of meaning of this word.
It won't last unless you're best friends. The best place to start is with a friend, if it develops. Just my view.

The right guy will come along without you noticing. Suddenly you'll be thinking "oh ****, he's.... great! And he likes me to!". It'll happen when it's meant to. Just try not to worry about it. :)

Let's see.... I'll be horrible and say money. It's not something that drives me but often I can't do something because I don't have the funds. Never having to worry about it would be cool. It'd mean I'd be able to enjoy what I do now, plus much more.
I wish I had more friends I'm totally comfortable around... the type where you can just sit and not feel like you have to say something or put on a show.

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