What does it mean to be someone's 'Friend'


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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Every once in a while I get a 'Friend' request - and I always say yes.

I have no idea what it means.
Am I indebted to someone now? If they call and say their car is stuck, do I have to go pick them up, no matter where they are?

In the reverse, if they are my Friend, am I automatically their friend?

If they have a really hot girl friend, can I claim jus prima noctae?
What are the limits and benefits?

In the mean time, if you want a friend, well ...... I may not be your best bet.
Far as I know friends on TPF really don't have much difference to regular members. I think you can allow friends here to see your email address and that is about it for special privileges - otherwise they just get kinda listed in your profile as a friend
Are we talking here or FB?

With due respect to those of you who spend time on FB, I would rather shave my pubic region, paint my scrotum with honey and crouch on a hill of fire ants than willingly lurk on FB.

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