What Don't You Like About Photography?


TPF Noob!
Apr 16, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I love photography. One of my favorite hobbies but...
What don't you like about photography?
1. You miss out on the experience (travel, ceremonies) trying to get good shots.
2. Everyone is a photographer now with digital photography, smartphones, instagram, etc. (minor gripe)
3. Smartphones don't have high quality, DSLR's are too bulky, mirrorless is limited, point and shoots are not as good as DSLR. At least there are options.
4. The snootiness of some photographers. They are almost worse than wine aficionados. :)
5. The ease of photography has devalued the photographer's job. Same with many jobs these days.
That is all. I still love photography.
1. I don't allow myself to miss out on the experience. Photography isn't my life, it's just something I enjoy. I'm not going to let it get in the way of other things I enjoy, just provide memories of them.

2-4. Mean nothing to me. I don't care what anyone else does. I enjoy photography and assume that others do as well. How they find their enjoyment in it is meaningless to me.

5. I think I'd aspire to a job as a McDonalds grill operator as opposed to photography these days but that's just my personal opinion.
Too many photos and I don't take time to organize them. So it's a mess.
The processing. I am now shooting single frame to limit my processing options. That is helping.

I like that digital has opened photography up for the many.

I don't like that digital has opened photography up for the many.
1) I am not an addict. I can put my camera down when appropriate.
2) So what? Everybody eats food - doesn't stop me enjoying a good meal.
3) Nothing is perfect and I don't want it to be. The camera I have with me will do the job.
4) I can out-snoot anyone! I have a Contax S - the camera that set the standards for all DSLRs.
5) Robots long since devalued my job (I'm retired! I mean before when I had a job). Life is still good.
The same gripe now as thirty odd years ago when just starting: the cost.

Digital makes this factor worse because it was very obvious in the days of film, now though, it has become hidden by the myth that it doesn't cost anything to just click away and delete the bad results.
Models and weddings. I have a wife....I'm not trying to deal with your **** bro.
Photography is just what it is, like every thing else. It is the way I look at it, I deal with it that causes problems.
The stuff I want to get costs way more than what I can afford.
They need to cut prices by 99%.
That should increase sales dramatically.
Might ding profitability a bit ..... but you asked.
I like that digital has opened photography up for the many.

I don't like that digital has opened photography up for the many.

But, but...that argument has been around since Eastman's "You push the button, we do the rest" slogan. Insert "box cameras" or "Kodak" instead of the word digital and you could be back in 1889. ;)
I love working in a photo lab (fun job and very rewarding printing and retouching other photographers photos).......I hate working in a photo lab (cause I'm printing and retouching other photographers photos and not mine).
The post part.
What kind of camera do you use?
Film is dead, your stupid.
Keep practicing.
Tap water for final rinse..

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