What have I become?!


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2010
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Insert back story..."I have always been interested in photography blah blah blah...upgraded to DSLR...blah blah blah".

I recently started investing a lot of time in this forum and reading about photography in general. I have shot and posted a few pictures here, but I find myself stuck in the mindset that I have to have the "perfect" image in mind before I shoot. And conditions or the photo concept must be "perfect" for me to even consider shooting. This may sound well and good to some of you, but it has basically rendered me useless because I spend most of my time analyzing an idea or concept and little time getting out there and shooting.

I don't know if this is common or I am a complete headcase, but any suggestions on how to breakout of this mindset would be greatly appreciated.

*EDIT* Went out on a walk to try and break the cycle. pictures posted on page 2.
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Thats a good thing to some extent. Figure it out in your head, but don't let it stop you from taking out your camera, because no matter how good it looks inside your dome, its all about how good it looks through the viewfinder, and then the screen.
Take out the camera and shoot!
Perfect conditions Bahhhhhhh........lol

It will never happen! ;) You need to just get out. Take your camera to the park and force yourself to just go shoot. Have no set picture you are looking for. Just go have fun. Some of my best shots have come from just messing around. You sometimes get out there and just SEE a shot as it is happening. Remember....have fun!! There shouldn't be so much stress. ;)
I've done the same, however now I'm trying to think quicker :) That way I still get some shots taken and with more practice they're getting better and better out of the camera.

If all else fails I've got photoshop to save my arse.
Man, that sounds serious. I'd definitely try to loosen up on the old trigger finger...ler 'er rip...perfection is the enemy of,well, you know...good enough and all that. Your original post is very interesting and honest.

Imagine it this way. Maybe it'll help. In order to live, you need to breathe. Would you refuse to take a breath because it was not ,"the perfect breath"? You know, from the diaphragm, reaching 100 percent lung capacity, held for the optimal length of time, and then exhaled at maximum efficiency? It seems to me that you are suffocating your photography in this drive for nothing less than perfection. Loosen up. Shoot more. Think less, react more. PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!
Perfect conditions Bahhhhhhh........lol

It will never happen! ;) You need to just get out. Take your camera to the park and force yourself to just go shoot. Have no set picture you are looking for. Just go have fun. Some of my best shots have come from just messing around. You sometimes get out there and just SEE a shot as it is happening. Remember....have fun!! There shouldn't be so much stress. ;)

I know I am crazy sometimes...I just feel like if I have the idea in my head, I have a better chance at making a good capture. I have done the park walks, but the percentage of coming back with anything good seems so small to me. I guess I am having a hard time finding my niche.

I've done the same, however now I'm trying to think quicker :) That way I still get some shots taken and with more practice they're getting better and better out of the camera.

If all else fails I've got photoshop to save my arse.

Yeah, I am decent with photoshop so it helps.
Man, that sounds serious. I'd definitely try to loosen up on the old trigger finger...ler 'er rip...perfection is the enemy of,well, you know...good enough and all that. Your original post is very interesting and honest.

Imagine it this way. Maybe it'll help. In order to live, you need to breathe. Would you refuse to take a breath because it was not ,"the perfect breath"? You know, from the diaphragm, reaching 100 percent lung capacity, held for the optimal length of time, and then exhaled at maximum efficiency? It seems to me that you are suffocating your photography in this drive for nothing less than perfection. Loosen up. Shoot more. Think less, react more. PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!

Thanks Derrel-

Subconsciously I know I need to get out and just shoot like crazy. Needing perfection is something I have always struggled with. I just need to loosen up and do it like you said.
The only way to figure out what you like is to try lots of different types of things and you aren't going to do that sitting and thinking about it. =)

If it's the issue about messing a shot up........I do that all the time but the best part about that is I learn what to do next time! You can delete the shot and no one ever needs to know it happened...lol


Oh and when I shoot an idea.......only half of the time does it end up exactly the way I wanted it. Ideas should be thought of as a creative stepping stone to the final shot. When you are actually doing the shoot new ideas pop up or you realize that it works better another way.
Man, that sounds serious. I'd definitely try to loosen up on the old trigger finger...ler 'er rip...perfection is the enemy of,well, you know...good enough and all that. Your original post is very interesting and honest.

Imagine it this way. Maybe it'll help. In order to live, you need to breathe. Would you refuse to take a breath because it was not ,"the perfect breath"? You know, from the diaphragm, reaching 100 percent lung capacity, held for the optimal length of time, and then exhaled at maximum efficiency? It seems to me that you are suffocating your photography in this drive for nothing less than perfection. Loosen up. Shoot more. Think less, react more. PRESS THE BUTTON!!!!

it aint film. it dont cost ****. you get instant results and have the option of deleting.

click click click click click....etc. :thumbup:
Enter themed photo contests. Let others define the parameters for a while. It will take the pressure off and allow you to focus on the product. The deadlines imposed will help you limit the paralysis of analysis.

Just a thot.
Enter themed photo contests. Let others define the parameters for a while. It will take the pressure off and allow you to focus on the product. The deadlines imposed will help you limit the paralysis of analysis.

Just a thot.

It's true! Good tip.

I joined here recently but did The Fight Club 1hr photo contest on the forums and had fun. It's nice to see others' images based on the same subject you're told to photograph. Helps to have the time constraint. Getting it right out of the camera is a good skill to build. If I'd do better in that I wouldn't spend so long in front of the computer monitor :lol:
Waiting for the perfect conditions is like waiting for your winning lottery ticket to come up... Nuthin' happening for a long, long time...

A photography guru told us (I'm part of a club), that you go and take advantage of whatever conditions you have. So, it's blindingly bright out - so shoot the strong shadows! It's dull and grey - hey! Monochomatic time! Too windy - then shoot the wind blowing things around! It's raining - then shoot the water, the reflections, the puddles! It's too hot out - then shoot the mall people! It's too cold - perfect time to admire Jack Frost's handiwork on the nearest single-pane window!

Another tip he gave us was... when you're stuck (as in a rut), take an object, thow it up, and then photograph ten things around wherever it falls (within 3 ft.). Pretend that the object was a spaceship from Omega prime, and you are to record everything around you - what would you see?

Still another idea... deliberately shoot your subject out of focus - how do you make it interesting? Can you create a link between the subject and its surroundings, and make it plausible (ie, subject being out of focus is that way for a reason)?

And finally, waiting for the perfect image or perfect conditions is like waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right. Those of us who have been married happily and for a long time know that we are not perfect, nor is our partner, but together... boy do we make beautiful music!

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