What if.


TPF Noob!
Jul 10, 2016
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Airdrie, Alberta , Canada
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i wish I had the chance to talk with him, would it not be cool if he had stories to tell on how he flew in one. I guess I'll never know.
Whenever I have a chance to talk to an "old timer" - I take it. You never know what they've done in their life that will blow you away. My dad's mall-walking group included a guy that flew in the Berlin airlift. I only got to talk to him once since I live on the opposite end of the country, but I got some of his stories indirectly through my dad.

Be prepared, however, that even after all these years he might not be ready to talk about his experience. My grandfather served in WW I, but never really talked about his experience - and he was a mess sergeant. Part of this may be because he served with his brother - who was killed in combat (look up Milo Lemert and Medal of Honor).
Yes, don't miss a chance. There is a pooch and man I befriended on my morning walks with my pooch. His neighbor was awarded America's highest wartime decoration, the Medal of Honor. I've requested my friend to introduce me to the hero. The stories he can tell.
Yes, don't miss a chance. There is a pooch and man I befriended on my morning walks with my pooch. His neighbor was awarded America's highest wartime decoration, the Medal of Honor. I've requested my friend to introduce me to the hero. The stories he can tell.
And the one's he won't.
Yes, don't miss a chance. There is a pooch and man I befriended on my morning walks with my pooch. His neighbor was awarded America's highest wartime decoration, the Medal of Honor. I've requested my friend to introduce me to the hero. The stories he can tell.
And the one's he won't.
Vets talk to other vets ... While I'm not a vet ... I'm close enough having shared the same food, holes and experiences as vets.
In my family I had three uncles that fought in WW II. Uncle Emile was in the 59 squadron and flew in the Lancaster as a navigator. His plane was shot down over Germany, there was one survivor. I remember my mother telling me years ago that uncle Emile was on his last mission, and was going to take her out for diner when he got home. Of the three uncles only one made it home.
In my family I had three uncles that fought in WW II. Uncle Emile was in the 59 squadron and flew in the Lancaster as a navigator. His plane was shot down over Germany, there was one survivor. I remember my mother telling me years ago that uncle Emile was on his last mission, and was going to take her out for diner when he got home. Of the three uncles only one made it home.
The greatest generation for many countries.

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