What is wrong with my HDR? HELP!


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Dodge Coronet 67


The 1st pic was a total bust... So trying again and here are the results.

I do see an improvement on my 2nd photo... But still need to learn some more.

#3 After a couple of days tweaking and learning.. So I am adding another one for your comments and suggestions. So here it its...

Composition is not good. I just need to practice my editing. this was shot outside the hospital waiting for my girlfriend from work @around 5pm.
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I don't see anything wrong with the HDR. I don't dig the tight crop but that is just personal taste I guess. Maybe post a non-HDR picture for comparison.
I don't see anything wrong with the HDR. I don't dig the tight crop but that is just personal taste I guess. Maybe post a non-HDR picture for comparison.

Thanks will post it in awhile
I don't see anything wrong with the HDR. I don't dig the tight crop but that is just personal taste I guess. Maybe post a non-HDR picture for comparison.

Yes I see that now.. The tight crop made it look bad. Thanks Again!
it may be the shot.. as it is flat and no contrast.
that's al bundys 1 million mile dodge
Its very flat and the car looks like its all made of the same stuff. No differrence in look between the chrome bumper and the hood. Very monochromatic look.
Its very flat and the car looks like its all made of the same stuff. No differrence in look between the chrome bumper and the hood. Very monochromatic look.

Thanks for your comment. What do you think should I do?

I dont think whatever you do to this image will please everyone. Here is another take on it. Turning it more to the artsy side instead of the photo side playing on its problems.

I dont think whatever you do to this image will please everyone. Here is another take on it. Turning it more to the artsy side instead of the photo side playing on its problems.

I think I know what you mean. In the beginning I should have taken a better angle and exposures on it. I downloaded Photoshop today and will give it another go. Thank you so much this really helps on honing my skills. Still a long way to go but the journey is already getting fun and interesting. :thumbup:

Thank you again!
Mikel Martin
By the way I really like the artistic style you did too it.
I dont think whatever you do to this image will please everyone. Here is another take on it. Turning it more to the artsy side instead of the photo side playing on its problems.

I think I know what you mean. In the beginning I should have taken a better angle and exposures on it. I downloaded Photoshop today and will give it another go. Thank you so much this really helps on honing my skills. Still a long way to go but the journey is already getting fun and interesting. :thumbup:

Thank you again!
Mikel Martin
Your new shot it pretty good but there are no really bright spots and dark spots to make HDR really show what it can do. Try shooting inside a building with windows so you can expose for the brightness of the windows as well as the darkness of the shadows in the room.

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