What Makes a Photographer

Because you can be super ubër dooper passionate about something, and still suck.

Then you'll just be a sucky photographer with a passion for photography. As rabbit said the question asked "What makes a Photographer" and not "What makes a good Photographer" You kinda just proved my point.
Because you can be super ubër dooper passionate about something, and still suck.

Then you'll just be a sucky photographer with a passion for photography. As rabbit said the question asked "What makes a Photographer" and not "What makes a good Photographer" You kinda just proved my point.

I wasn't answering the OP's question. I was responding to the person above me, and you actually proved my point when you substituted the word LIKE for PASSION.

As for the OP's question...Who cares about JUST being a photographer. It's meaningless, just being something. It becomes something when you want to discuss being a photographer in a qualitative way.
As for the OP's question...Who cares about JUST being a photographer. It's meaningless, just being something. It becomes something when you want to discuss being a photographer in a qualitative way.

Just because we can teach a monkey how to press a shutter doesn't make it a photographer, anymore than teaching a cat how to flush a toilet makes it a plumber.
95% of professionals rely on cliches, standard poses, and formula. Look at the images that recieve the most attention. 2/3 of them are Ansel Adams knock offs, and the rest are knock offs of one another.

Imagination has nothing to do with it, at least if that is the measure of success.
My definition of great is different to yours. Would you consider a prodigy of photography who was a complete snob and had no passion"great"? I say that great photographers are the ones that show emotion in their pictures. So they can showcase their passion. But tell me this, everyone here on this site is passionate!!! If you weren't passionate would you go on this site! Would you bother to make an account! Would you bother to answer and ask questions!
And would you bother to even buy a camera!?!? Or learn about photography!? Would you spend your time just to click a shutter? Instead of enjoying the moment! No!!! You would take a picture of the moment and share it with others...
The reason I said You need passion for photography is because...PHOTOGRAPHY IS A PASSION.
My definition of great is different to yours. Would you consider a prodigy of photography who was a complete snob and had no passion"great"? I say that great photographers are the ones that show emotion in their pictures. So they can showcase their passion. But tell me this, everyone here on this site is passionate!!! If you weren't passionate would you go on this site! Would you bother to make an account! Would you bother to answer and ask questions!
And would you bother to even buy a camera!?!? Or learn about photography!? Would you spend your time just to click a shutter? Instead of enjoying the moment! No!!! You would take a picture of the moment and share it with others...
The reason I said You need passion for photography is because...PHOTOGRAPHY IS A PASSION.
Everything is a passion when you're 13. Get back to me when you're 53 and have had a bit longer look at things.
So why are you still interested in photography, you started when you were 10;)
I guess for the same reason I'm still interested in breathing, eating, walking, having a roof over my head, having money in my pocket, going out to restaurants occasionally for a good filet mignon, wearing pants, and 100,000 other things that make me who I am. I don't need to be "passionate" about any of them to still want to do them - even for an entire lifetime.
And I have am who I am, and I have the right of speech, and im allowed to say things that are on my mind without being judged by 20 people!
And I have am who I am,

and I have the right of speech,

and im allowed to say things that are on my mind

without being judged by 20 people!
No, sorry, you're don't have that right. 20 people or everybody on the planet can judge you for what you say if they want to, and you have no rights at all in that regard.

And what does any of that matter anyway? None of that addressed the actual point about whether "passion" is necessary to be a photographer, and certainly doesn't counter what I've said about it in any way.
Buckster said:
I guess for the same reason I'm still interested in breathing, eating, walking, having a roof over my head, having money in my pocket, going out to restaurants occasionally for a good filet mignon, wearing pants, and 100,000 other things that make me who I am. I don't need to be "passionate" about any of them to still want to do them - even for an entire lifetime.

So it is a part of you now, that is awesome :) , can you think of a time that you were passionate about it?
Buckster said:
I guess for the same reason I'm still interested in breathing, eating, walking, having a roof over my head, having money in my pocket, going out to restaurants occasionally for a good filet mignon, wearing pants, and 100,000 other things that make me who I am. I don't need to be "passionate" about any of them to still want to do them - even for an entire lifetime.

So it is a part of you now, that is awesome :) , can you think of a time that you were passionate about it?
When I was 13 I was passionate about everything! :thumbup:;)

There have been many times when I have had strong interest and enthusiasm for shooting, so sure, if you want to call those periods of "passion", be my guest, though I honestly don't see them that way.

In any case, it's not an ongoing thing with me, and I didn't always produce my best work during those times, while at other times when I was just trying to keep from being bored and picked up a camera for something to do, I produced some stuff that I think is some of my best.

Again, equating "passion" as a necessary ingredient or component just doesn't ring true to me personally, that's all.

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