What prime next?


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2013
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Hi all

So right now I have a 28, 50 and 85. I have a sad old D90. Unfortunately my second D7000 was stolen along with a Sigma 17-50 2.8 lens. That's about 700 euro gone. :( Anyway... I have a crop body and think I will always have one. I plan to get a D7100. They look great and nice price now. I also have an old 35mm Nikon film camera which I use the same lenses on. My plan is to also buy an fx camera some time this year. Obviously this means that right now I have the same sensor sizes as I will have for the foreseeable future.
The primes I have mostly work out OK on the two cameras. I like all three on FX. On crop, 28 is a bit weird (?) I wonder if anyone has a 28 prime on crop here? The 50 is nice for 3/4 portraits on DX. The 85 is too long for my liking but I still find some use for it.
What I am looking for is a carry-around lens for the crop body. A prime again. As I said, I think 28 is not so suitable. It is 42mm fov. I am not sure what to make of that :) So I thought about a 24mm. This would give me fov of 35mm on the crop one. Not bad. I could also buy the 35 1.8 DX G lens but then it would not work on my FX camera. 50mm fov as the main lens seems less useful than 35mm but I might be wrong. As usual I am on a tight budget. I don't want to spend more than 200 euros.
Your thoughts and ideas are very appreciated.

The older 35mm f/2 AF or AF-D is a decent lens on both DX and FX Nikon, and is of course, a full-frame-capable lens, and this lens can be had for not too many Euro.

Nikon's 24/2.8 AF-D is only a 'decent' lens; it's just not that great on digital.

The 45mm f/2.8 P-series is an AWESOME, manual focusing lens, with a built-in CPU from the factory, hence the P-series designation (there's also a long telephoto, the 500mm f/4 P-Nikkor); this is a FINE, fine lens, but manual focus.

I think Nikon has a current 40mm "macro" lens in autofocus form.
This sounds like a cart/horse issue. Before securing new tools, wouldn't it be best to first define the job?

It's fun having a great selection of gear. That in itself is satisfying.

What do you find yourself wishing for most often when you shoot?

With Canon and Nikon, if you like prime lenses, you like full frame.

Yes there are 45mm for full frame, for example Tamron has one and theres one in the Pentax system and as mentioned before there is a manual Tessar (45/2.8, 4 elements in 3 groups) from Nikon but thats a horribly overpriced collector edition lens.

The best old wide angle lenses I know about are the AI 20/3.5 and the AF 24/2.8; neither are very impressive though. Both have to be stopped down to about f/8 and even then their sharpness still isnt so hot, see for example: wb_170506_10 - if thats good enough for you, well then have fun.
You already have a 50mm and a 28mm prime, I honestly wouldn't bother with a 35mm prime unless you ditch the 28mm and get a wider prime like a 24mm or 20mm.
Buying gear is a lot like buying groceries. You buy what you need, otherwise it goes unused and eventually you get rid of it. Define what you need and why. Then buy to fill the need.

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